We believe that low-budget, short-term, quick-install pop-ups are set to surge in the coming months. And as landlords are desperate to fill their empty spaces, they've dropped their prices and eased up on lease terms, too. The US, UK, and France saw a 125 percent increase in available retail space listed between June to August in 2020, according to research by Appear Here. Plus, the pandemic has resulted in a surplus of retail space and widespread commercial rent decreases, leading to a market ripe for retailers and brands interested in adding a physical presence to their business. And while they've gotten used to the convenience of shopping online, they miss feeling connected to brands (and to each other) in a physical environment.

But as the world recovers, consumers will be hungry for real-life experiences. With businesses in various stages of closure, it may seem like an odd time to set up a pop-up shop.